5.0 from 3 ratings

Fenchel heisst auf italienisch Finocchio, und weil diese klangvolle Vokabel in meinen Ohren den Geschmack dieser welt­weit ver­brei­te­ten Ge­mü­se-, Ge­würz- und Heil­pflan­ze phonetisch am besten beschreibt, heisst fermentierter Fenchel auch bei mir so. Funky Finocchio.

All parts of the fennel are used in Italian cooking, and the fennel greens add that extra bit of flavor in this recipe as well.

Fermented fennel is highly aromatic

Fennel polarizes because it combines so many different aromas. Responsible for the characteristic taste, smell and healing properties are essential oils.

Trans-anethole and estragole resemble licorice and anise, the bitter taste of fenchone can be compared to mint and camphor, limonene speaks for itself and 1-octen-3-ol provides a flavor that is attributed to mushrooms. On the human body fennel has a refreshing effect. 

Fennel is a popular medicinal plant

For thousands of years, the use of fennel has also been widely used in medicine in many parts of the world.

In Deutschland gehört Fenchel wegen seiner milden Wirkung zu den Heilpflanzen, die schon im Säuglingsalter angewandt werden. Tee aus Fenchelsamen wird nachgesagt, dass er Blähungen lindern soll. Auch das traditionelle Hausmittel Fenchelhonig gegen Husten und Heiserkeit kenne ich selber seit frühester Kindheit.

Funky Finocchio

Funky Finocchio

Course: side dish, snack, starterCuisine: mediterraneanDifficulty: easy


Prep time


Fermentation time




  • 0.5 liter bail-top jar (1)

Eine Frage, die ich häufig gestellt bekomme, ist: "Kann man Fenchel fermentieren?"

"Oh ja, und wie!", antworte ich!


  • 480 grams fennel approx. 4 bulbs

  • 3 shallots

  • 1 tuber beetroot (very small, for color and a gentle aroma).

  • ½ bunch dill

  • 10 grams salt

  • 1-2 tbsp fennel fronds


  • Slice the fennel and shallots into rings with a vegetable slicer on the finest setting and grate the beet with the coarse side of the box grater. Chop the dill and fennel greens into small pieces. Cover everything with a teaspoon of salt (10 gr.) and knead until brine is formed.
  • Damit der Fenchel eine gewisse Knackigkeit behält, hörst Du mit dem Kneten genau dann auf, wenn er beginnt, weich zu werden – meistens ist das schon der Fall, bevor genug Lake entstanden ist. Dann füllst Du Dein Fermentiergefäß einfach mit Wasser oder 2%iger Salzlake auf. Das ist wichtig, damit das Gemüse keinen Kontakt zu Sauerstoff hat, also unter der Salzlake in seiner anaeroben Umgebung bleibt. Under the brine is fine! Das ist das entscheidende Prinzip der sicheren Fermentation, da alles, was der Luft ausgesetzt ist, schimmeln könnte.
  • In order to prevent the floating of the small shreds and rings, I suggest you use wide, flat weights. Glass lids from Weck jars work great because they overlap and therefore nothing can get past them.
  • Fill the jar, including the weights, no higher than about 3 cm below the rim, pour the brine and leave to ferment in the dark. The first week is best between 20° and maximum 24° C. After a week, place a little cooler, between 16° and 20° C. 
  • Let ferment for 6 weeks and refrigerate one night before consumption.


  • In summer and autumn, from June to the beginning of November, you can enjoy fresh, delicious fennel, with its sweet and anise-flavoured taste. When developing this recipe, my focus was on emphasizing its fine sweetness. The combination with shallots, beet and dill is really tasty. Shallots and beet both also have this fine, sweet taste, and dill works with almost everything anyway because it is so fresh and delicious.
  • Fermented fennel goes very well with smoked fish and Mediterranean cuisine.

Nutrition facts

  • Calories: 67kcal

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Fermented Fennel

Fermented fennel with beet and dill is a special delicacy and goes very well with smoked fish and Mediterranean cuisine. I give five stars for this delight!

Even more fabulous fennel ferments

  • Fermented Fennel with peppers

    Fermented Fennel with peppers

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    This ferment is a fruity and spicy hit from fennel with two kinds of fresh peppers, mild and spicy. Not one summer party without it!

  • Fermented Fennel

    Fruity fermented fennel relish

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  • Fenchelchutney

    Fiery fennel relish

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    Fiery and fruity with just the right touch of lemon. A perfect complement to the barbecue!


    • Hej Martina,

      wenn Du Dein Ferment essen willst, öffnest Du es und nimmst die Gewichte raus. Drücke nach Entnahme den Rest wieder unter die Lake und lagere es bei 8-10°C.

      Bon appétit!

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