Hej! Glad to have you here. Let's ferment together!

Or to cook together! Because what could be better than eating the ferments that have been made with lots of love in as many creative ways as possible? You can find ideas and recipes in my cookbook Die Fermenteküche.

Fermentation isn't rocket science, but you need to grasp a few basics before the veggies go into the jar so you're producing for consumption and not for the compost.

The biochemical understanding for amateurs you gain by reading my articles here will help you against the fear of bacteria and edible molds. Because suddenly you no longer have to avoid them, but they will even become your friends.

Principle #1 of fermentation: Do your homework. It's like this.

Find the answers to your first questions here: What is fermentation?

Fermentation recipes

Fermentation is preservation. So look around, what is growing in your area and put exactly that into the jar. My recipes are classified by seasonality, which makes it easier to find.

The recipes on these pages are categorized in multiple ways to make it easier for you to find them and organize yourself. I have also marked each tutorial as beginner or advanced. Then you can get started based on your experience level and no frustration stands a chance!

My son has also helped me name children's ferments. He started doing that at age 2, so his recommendations are applicable to almost all ages. He does like to eat spicy, though - if that's different for your kid, just use less chili than the recipe calls for.

For your daily dose of colorful and wild fermentation pics, be sure to follow fermentation.love on instagram.

Have fun with with my wild, living creatures... uh, cultures 😆